September 18, 2012

I am NOT Sleepy and I WILL NOT go to BED

I have this little sister Lola.
She is small and very funny.
Sometimes I have to keep an eye on her.
Sometimes Mum and Dad ask me to try and get her off to bed.
This is a hard job because Lola likes to stay up late ... 

Usually, when I say, "Lola, Mum says it is time for bed,"
"No! I am NOT sleepy and I WILL NOT go to bed."
I say, "But all the birds have gone to sleep."
She says, "But I am not a bird, Charlie."

Amaris has started her first grade in September. 
Her school has a very good reading program that encourages every child to read and enjoy reading as a lifelong companion. 

Every morning, the children either bring their favorite book from home or pick one from the classroom reading corner to enjoy morning reading before school starts.

Children enjoy going to the learning center located on the 3rd floor with a comprehensive collection of children's books, close to 20,000.

Charlie and Lola, Lauren Child

Yesterday, Amaris brought home with two books, one was The Lion King and the another one was I am NOT sleepy and I WILL NOT go to bed, again from the Charlie and Lola's series
The title echoes Amaris' mind and soul.

In my last blog, I will NEVER NOT EVER eat a Tomato, big brother Charlie faces an epic struggle with her little sister, Lola in a dinnertime battle. 
In this equally spirit, Charlie takes the hardest job to try to get Lola to bed. 
This is a hard job because Lola likes to stay up coloring, scribbling, sticking, wriggling, bouncing and most of all chattering!

Charlie and Lola, Lauren ChildRead it with your toddlers to laugh out loud or children like Amaris enjoys reading it by herself as an echo of mind.

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