Showing posts with label Brothers Grimm. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Brothers Grimm. Show all posts

April 25, 2012

The Elves and the Storymaker

There was once a silly Storymaker and his wife who were very poor.

The old man hadn't sold a story in years and they had nothing to eat but old story books with cheese on top.

One evening, sitting in front of this dusty old computer, the Storymaker realised that he couldn't start a new story because he didn't have a single idea in his head.

"Well, that's it!" he told his wife.
"I will never write another book."

The Elves and the Storymaker is another brilliant and seriously silly fairy tale reworked by Laurence Anholt with illustrations by Arthur Robins.

The original The Elves and the Shoemaker, a classic fairy tale by the Brothers Grimm who are among the best-known story tellers of European folktales, with works including Cinderella, The Frog Prince, Hänsel und Gretel and Snow White.

This reworked fairy tale is about a poor old man, a silly Storymaker who ran out of ideas. So in the middle of the night, there comes some little helpers to his house writing brilliant, scary, silly and fantastic story night by night. 

Who are they? Would it be the Elves? Gorillas? Aliens?

Have your child to find out!

This book is recommend for child aged 5+

The Elves and the Storymaker is available online at The Book Depository